- Full Bloom
- A Pond
- Dreaming at the Beach
- My Father
- My Father’s Dancing Legs
- Bed Fight at 10
- Documentation [30.11.2020-11.2.2021] On Potato
- I Want to Understand You and I Forgive You
- I Can’t Find My Home
- Home Dinner [babsang 밥상]
- Spiders in My Bed
- Toastbook
- My Quiet Room
- Dancing Leg
- In My Dreams
- How to Bake a Cake
- Transformation Project, Averill Park, NY, US
Arts Letters and Numbers, Averill Park, NY, US
- Aesthetics of Bliss, London, GB
- CBS6 Albany, 2023 -
“Nopiates committee's transformation project sheds light on substance abuse disorder”
We all originate from the core of emotion.
A rock, the nature, our body is a perfect connected metaphor, an allegory in volume. When placed it’s sculptural limits beget a kind of proposition — and when considered with reduced anthropomorphism and ungeologically — produce a ready-made analog to the causation and bounds of our attempts at the understanding of all things.
Kim Hyun Jee is a sculptor who centres her work on 압 (壓, 押) – "the act of pressing”. In
reflecting our current socio-political landscape, where radical politics often
exploit or diminish the power of language, she engages with the layered
meanings of the traditional Chinese character 압 (壓, 押), which can be interpreted as ‘physically
pressing’ or ‘psychological, social pressure’.
Using ceramics, silicone rubber, and other mixed media, Kim
expresses her philosophies through the concept of "pressing"—fully
embracing the primitive pressure, temperature, and emotion. Her work suggests
new possibilities for communication, emphasizing the transformative power of
poetic expression.